Dr. Danielle Duperret, ND/PhD is interviewed by Dr. Jay Sordean on August 5, 2020. Dr. Danielle was born and raised in Switzerland. She started to study psychology and nutrition in Paris, traveled through Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia before coming to the United States in 1979. She earned two doctorates, is a professor of Traditional and Quantum Naturopathy, and just opened the doors of the Holistic Health Academy of America.
On a personal note, she has 7 grown children who were home birthed and home schooled, she just moved to Denver, CO, loves nature, hiking, kayaking and bicycling.
Both Dr. D and Dr. Jay mentioned the impact of stress, toxicity and diet on long term health and longevity. Each is one of the 12 spokes of the Dementia and Alzheimer’s Wheel of causes in the BRAIN WEALTH(C) and Longevity Program developed and implemented by The Redwood Clinic and Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME. This is also highlighted in the Facebook Group, Brain Wealth & Longevity.
https://www.Facebook.com/groups/brainwealthandlongevity where we invite you to apply to become a member. Join this Facebook group to learn how to avoid dementia and boost your energy, decreasing stress.
NSDJ-74 Stress, Acupuncture and Energetics with Dr. Jay Sordean
Stress is still a topic of interest even several decades later. In March 1985, Dr. Jay Sordean’s article on “Stress, Acupuncture and Energetics” was published in Bay Area Business magazine as a cutting edge topic. Stress is still a big deal, so returning to hear what was said in this article is relevant at this point.
Stress is one of the 12 spokes of the Dementia and Alzheimer’s Wheel of causes in the BRAIN WEALTH(C) and Longevity Program developed and implemented by The Redwood Clinic and Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME. This is also highlighted in the Facebook Group, Brain Wealth & Longevity. https://www.Facebook.com/groups/brainwealthandlongevity where we invite you to apply to become a member.
In an interview with Rondea Wine, host of Health & Wellness Show, Dr. Jay Sordean talks about his BRAIN WEALTH & Longevity program that is accessed by applying to join the Facebook Group. https://facebook.com/groups/brainwealthandlongevity. In this interview Dr. Jay reveals some of the people he has successfully treated for brain degeneration and describes factors causing brain and neurological degeneration.
NSDJ-73 Dr. Jay Sordean speaks with Health & Wellness Show Host Rondea Wine
Steve Leeds explains his rhythm and music therapy approach in helping Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients get in touch with their inherent rhythm and beat that is fundamental to all humans. Steve Leeds and conducted
Steve Leeds
these group therapy sessions in assisted living and nursing home facilities for more than 3 years. His unique program causes a rapid change in patients who may be mentally and physically isolated and shut down — they smile, become engaged with others, and find a true joy in contrast to their often low energy and depressed emotional state. Steve Leed’s program is a unique combination of not only
Abba Zabba & Dr. Jay
special rhythms he has discovered and designed to resonate with the human nervous system and calm agitation while enhancing positive emotions. He is available as a consultant to organizations and individual facilities interested in integrating his system into their therapeutic setting.
Steve Leeds / Abba Zabba Interviewed by Dr. Jay Sordean
TAGS: Rhythm Therapy, Steve Leeds, Abba Zabba, Alzheimers, dementia, functional medicine
Steve Leeds / Abba Zabba Interview about Rhythm Therapy for Terminal Patients and those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Inflammation. In this segment he is talking avoiding sugar, diabetes, and inflammation. Also, how to determine is inflammation is an issue in your life.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Steve Leeds / Abba Zabba Interview about Rhythm Therapy for Terminal Patients and those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. Contact him about a consultation to get your system more supportive of brain health vs brain cell degeneration. +1-510-849-1176
TAGS: Amyloid, Amyloid plaques, blood brain barrier, meningeal compression, meningeal torquing, Alzheimers, dementia, NRCT, The Redwood Clinic, functional medicine
NSDJ70 Elliot Kallen: A Brighter Day – Teen Suicide Prevention; with Dr. Jay Sordean
A Brighter Day – Teen Suicide Prevention
Dr. Jay met Elliot Kallen fortuitiously on a Southwest Air flight from Oakland to Los Angeles. They struck up a conversation that was wide-ranging. Dr. Jay was taken by the heart-centered. giving approach of the foundation that Elliot Kallen founded in his youngest son’s honor. A Brighter Day Foundation was created and acts as a vehicle to help with teen suicide prevention. Elliot Kallen created this foundation in memory of his son Jake Kallen who took his own life at age 19. Elliot Kallen is also a financial advisor at Prosperity Financial Group (see biography below).
A Brighter Day – Teen Suicide Prevention Based on a free concert, “battle of the bands” style of event open to all teens, A Brighter Day provides resources to teens that they will hopefully use to reach out and communicate when depression, stress and isolation are effecting either their own or the lives of those around them. Get information on upcoming events, resources and the foundation at https://www.ABrighterDay.info
Dr. Jay Sordean notes he is unaware of a particular physical reason that
Super Brain -The Book
may have played into the reason why Jake Kallen took his own life. At the same time, CTBI (chronic traumatic brain injuries) and concussions in sporting has been found to result in depression in many professional athletes. Dr. Jay discusses this and some methods that can be helpful to address CTBI and acute brain injuries in his book, Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life.
This book is available online at https://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com and is also in audible version on this podcast read by Dr. Jay chapter by chapter.
Dr. Jay is also available as a speaker on the topic of preventing dementia and maximizing brain health and wealth by contacting him through The Redwood Clinic.
This link is also is an example of Dr. Jay’s appearances on television talk shows on how to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. Watch it and share it to help Dr. Jay achieve his mission of preventing a million cases of Alzheimer’s.
ABOUT ELLIOT KALLEN and A Brighter Day – Teen Suicide Prevention
A Brighter Day – Teen Suicide Prevention There are some additional methods that I recommend to decrease stress responses and improve mood and brain neurotransmitter balance. These include the HeartMath technologies. An upcoming event in November might be a great getaway with your teen and family members.
Amyloid Alzheimer’s and Blood Stream is a brief discussion by Dr. Jay Sordean about new findings on the sources of amyloid in the brain. Amyloid proteins come from other parts of the body as well. It passes the blood brain barrier and enters the brain. How can the blood brain barrier protect your brain from these, and how can it break down so that amyloid components can get into the brain cells? Listen to this podcast to get a better understanding. www.theredwoodclinic.com http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/amyloid-alzheimers-blood-stream
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Inflammation. In this segment he is talking avoiding sugar, diabetes, and inflammation. Also, how to determine is inflammation is an issue in your life.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Amyloid Alzheimer’s and Blood Stream
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. Contact him about a consultation to get your system more supportive of brain health vs brain cell degeneration. +1-510-849-1176
TAGS: Amyloid, Amyloid plaques, blood brain barrier, meningeal compression, meningeal torquing, Alzheimers, dementia, NRCT, The Redwood Clinic, functional medicine
Memory Loss Shame Embarassment and Denial are big components of the dementia and Alzheimer’s arena. People experiencing memory loss often disregard it as temporary, a sign of aging, or fatigue. There are many reasons why memory can be poor — all of those reasons and causes may underlie a degeneration of the brain that can become permanent.
In this podcast Dr. Jay talks about this phenomenon — shame, embarrassment, and denial of the issue of memory loss and memory changes. The fact of the matter is, when memory loss is denied the opportunity to turn it around or get to the underlying cause is delayed. Brain cells can die and that function may never be recovered again.
Memory Loss Shame Embarassment
The time to take action is now. Shame, embarrassment and denial surrounding memory loss is difficult for many to admit. Discussing the embarrassment one feels, or the shame, or the difficulties that one is having are not fun emotions. But, clearly telling others your concerns about your memory loss is KEY. Call our office now 510-849-1176 to take charge of this, confront and move through your feelings of embarrassment and shame, and get the help you need.
You can also get guidance in my books. Getting them, reading them, and completing the surveys in them is very important if you just want self-help and self-diagnosis.
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Inflammation. In this segment he is talking avoiding sugar, diabetes, and inflammation. Also, how to determine is inflammation is an issue in your life.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world.
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is sexy thinking and activity. Learn why sexy is great for your brain in this chapter.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
TAGS: Blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, inflammation, white sugar, neurotoxicity, brain degeneration,Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma, Sexy
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is practice remembering Names. In this segment he is talking how remembering names can help to support your brain function.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
TAGS: Names, Remembering names, Blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, inflammation, white sugar, neurotoxicity, brain degeneration,Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma,
“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Remove Toxicity from your body and life style. In this segment he is talking removing toxins and brain degeneration from toxicity. Also, how to prevent exposure to toxicity.
This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.
TAGS: NRCT, Toxicity, neurotoxicity, brain degeneration, neurotoxins, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma, CTE